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Salary direct deposit

Bonus for your salary?

We’ve got just what you need
We’ve got just what you need

Salary at Millennium

What is this bonus?

Girl with her hair tied up and wearing red lipstick, celebrating with a yellow wall behind her Girl with her hair tied up and wearing red lipstick, celebrating with a yellow wall behind her
Already a Customer but not receiving your salary with us? Have your monthly net salary of €900 or more deposited at Millennium and you'll receive a bonus of 20% of that amount on a credit card, up to a maximum of €450. Get salary at Millennium
Boy with a backpack jumping in a mountain Boy with a backpack jumping in a mountain
Not a Customer yet? Open an account with the Millennium App using your Digital Mobile Key¹, with a minimum deposit of €250. Then, bring your salary to Millennium, equal to or greater than €900, and get a €50 bonus on your account plus a 20% bonus of your salary, up to €450. In total, you can receive up to €500. Open account in the app
Girl with her hair tied up and wearing red lipstick, celebrating with a yellow wall behind her Girl with her hair tied up and wearing red lipstick, celebrating with a yellow wall behind her
Already a Customer but not receiving your salary with us? Have your monthly net salary of €900 or more deposited at Millennium and you'll receive a bonus of 20% of that amount on a credit card, up to a maximum of €450. Get salary at Millennium
Boy with a backpack jumping in a mountain Boy with a backpack jumping in a mountain
Not a Customer yet? Open an account with the Millennium App using your Digital Mobile Key¹, with a minimum deposit of €250. Then, bring your salary to Millennium, equal to or greater than €900, and get a €50 bonus on your account plus a 20% bonus of your salary, up to €450. In total, you can receive up to €500. Open account in the app

Already a Customer?

To receive the bonus, follow these steps:

Girl with blonde curls, wearing a green sweater, smiling with her hand on her neck Number 1 in cerise color
Have your salary deposited at Millennium It must be €900 net or more. Make sure your first deposit is by 15/04/2025 and your second by 31/05/2025
Apply for a credit card The card must be linked to the account where you receive your salary

Classic credit card² - TAEG 15.4%
Classic card in cerise color overlaid by the digital card, both floating against a light pink background Number 2 in cerise color
A woman's hands using a mobile phone Number 3 in cerise color
Sign up for the campaign You must sign up for the campaign via the banner in the Millennium App by 31/05/2025
Girl with blonde curls, wearing a green sweater, smiling with her hand on her neck Number 1 in cerise color
Have your salary deposited at Millennium It must be €900 net or more. Make sure your first deposit is by 15/04/2025 and your second by 31/05/2025
Classic card in cerise color overlaid by the digital card, both floating against a light pink background Number 2 in cerise color
Apply for a credit card The card must be linked to the account where you receive your salary

Classic credit card² - TAEG 15.4%
A woman's hands using a mobile phone Number 3 in cerise color
Sign up for the campaign You must sign up for the campaign via the banner in the Millennium App by 31/05/2025

Find out how

Campaign conditions

Campaign valid from 16/01/2025 to 15/04/2025 for individual customers who hold a current account, are over 18 years old and use the Millennium App.
The Customer transfers his/her salary or retirement pension into the Account, provided that the 1st salary or retirement pension credit is made by 15 April 2025 and the 2nd salary or retirement pension credit is made by 31 March 2025 (inclusive), for a minimum net monthly amount equal to or greater than €900 each.

You must sign up for the campaign via the banner in the Millennium App by 31/05/2025

It is a requirement to keep your salary payment in your account for 24 months.
No credits will be deposited into card-accounts that are in default or without any active card.

Campaign details

Doc O Grey Doc O

Read the Regulations


More benefits

Plus, on top of the bonus...

Classic card in cerise color overlaid by the digital card, both positioned horizontally and floating against a pink and purple gradient background Classic card in cerise color overlaid by the digital card, both positioned horizontally and floating against a pink and purple gradient background
Don't have a credit card yet? Apply through the app or on the website, and get instant access to the digital version.

Classic credit card² - TAEG 15.4%
Apply for card
Desk calendar with colorful push pins stuck in it Desk calendar with colorful push pins stuck in it
Advance your salary to the 1st of each month It’s simple: once your salary is deposited at Millennium, you can request an advance through the app. Overdraft facility, Salary Loan – TAEG 16.8% View salary loan
Classic card in cerise color overlaid by the digital card, both positioned horizontally and floating against a pink and purple gradient background Classic card in cerise color overlaid by the digital card, both positioned horizontally and floating against a pink and purple gradient background
Don't have a credit card yet? Apply through the app or on the website, and get instant access to the digital version.

Classic credit card² - TAEG 15.4%
Apply for card
Desk calendar with colorful push pins stuck in it Desk calendar with colorful push pins stuck in it
Advance your salary to the 1st of each month It’s simple: once your salary is deposited at Millennium, you can request an advance through the app. Overdraft facility, Salary Loan – TAEG 16.8% View salary loan
Campaign valid from 16/01 to 15/04/2025 for individual customers who are 1st holders of a current account, over 18 years of age, who have a salary/retirement payment in the account with a net value >= 900€ with 24 months' loyalty and provided that there has been no salary/retirement credit between 16/07/2024 and 15/01/2025, with an active credit card associated with the account where the salary/retirement payment in the account is made, with no defaults and who sign up to the Millennium App by 31/05/2025. The 20% refund of your salary/pension, up to €400, will be credited back to your credit card. The refund will be issued in a single payment, provided that the first salary/pension deposit occurs by 15/04/2025 and the second deposit by 31/05/2025.
Salary or retirement pension amounts are considered to be the sum of the credits processed monthly and regularly by bank transfer duly coded at their origin with the ISO “SALA” code relative to salary or “PENS” relative to retirement pensions.
The bonus amount corresponds to taxable income under the terms of Article 5(1) of the Individuals Income Tax Code (IRS Code) and is subject to withholding tax at the rate of 28%, unless the option of aggregation is chosen, in which case the general IRS rates will apply. The total value of the gross bonus amount will be a maximum of €625.00 with €175.00 for withholding tax (IRS).
The amount of the Bonus will be credited in a single payment. If during the said 24-month period, and for 3 consecutive months, the Customer ceases to receive a salary or retirement pension in the Account, the Customer undertakes to reimburse the Bank for the total amount of the bonus attributed. For the purposes set out in the previous paragraph, the Customer undertakes to provision the Account and authorises Millennium bcp to debit the Account for the amount due. The Bonus will not be awarded if the Customer is in default with the Bank.
New customers who open an account through the Millennium App using their Digital Mobile Key during the campaign will receive an additional €50 credited to their account, provided they register via the banner available in the Millennium App by 15/05/2025.
¹A new customer is defined as someone who, as of 31/12/2024, did not hold any current account with Millennium bcp as the primary account holder and opens their first account as the primary account holder during the campaign.
The annual account maintenance fee is €64.92, charged monthly in arrears at €5.41 (including Stamp Duty). Opening an account requires a minimum deposit of €250 (€150 for university students aged 18–25) and is subject to customer acceptance policies.
²Classic Credit Card: 15.4% TAEG and 13.300% TAN for a credit limit of €1,500 paid in 12 equal monthly installments of principal plus interest and charges. Annual availability fee of €10.40, charged in advance. First charge in the month of card issuance and, in subsequent years, in the same month as the first. Stamp duty included. Subject to credit risk assessment..