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Reforma Ativa PPR 2.ª Série

From €30 with tax benefits up to €400/year

This retirement plan serves as an additional support, bridging the gap between your final paycheck and your retirement income
This retirement plan serves as an additional support, bridging the gap between your final paycheck and your retirement income
lady with her eyes closed, smiling

Reforma Ativa PPR 2.ª Série

From €30 with tax benefits up to €400/year

This retirement plan serves as an additional support, bridging the gap between your final paycheck and your retirement income
This retirement plan serves as an additional support, bridging the gap between your final paycheck and your retirement income
lady with her eyes closed, smiling
lady with her eyes closed, smiling


Why invest in this retirement plan?

woman sitting on sofa, smilling, with phone App Millennium illustration
Your money is always available under the conditions provided by law
You can redeem your PPR at any time with a minimum amount of €250
You can deduct up to 20% on IRS of the money you invest on your PPR annually
Reduce your taxes over income from 28% to a minimum of 8%
desk with laptop, coffee mug and glasses, by a window Millennium App illustration
happy couple with phone Millennium app illustration
Customizable and 100% digital
You can choose between two investment options: Life cycle or Free choice
woman sitting on sofa, smilling, with phone App Millennium illustration
Your money is always available under the conditions provided by law
You can redeem your PPR at any time with a minimum amount of €250
desk with laptop, coffee mug and glasses, by a window Millennium App illustration
You can deduct up to 20% on IRS of the money you invest on your PPR annually
Reduce your taxes over income from 28% to a minimum of 8%
happy couple with phone Millennium app illustration
Customizable and 100% digital
You can choose between two investment options: Life cycle or Free choice

Allocation strategies

Invest with one of these strategies

smilling woman
The Protection Strategy has low risk and a maximum limit of 10% stocks
smilling woman
The Moderate Strategy has medium to low risk and a maximum limit of 30% stocks
smilling man
The Aggressive Stocks Strategy has medium risk and a maximum limit of 55% stocks

Investment options

Tailored to your needs

Life cycle

Managed according to your age

Our experts allocate deliveries to each of the strategies according to your age. Up to the age of 35, the strategies with the highest risk are chosen. And as time goes by, deliveries are assigned to the strategies with less risk.

chart with composition of each investment strategy according to age chart with composition of each investment strategy according to age

Free choice

Decide how to distribute the deliveries

Choose the distribution of deliveries to each of the different strategies, according to your investment preferences. You can choose more than one strategy, allocating partial amounts of your delivery to different strategies.

pie chart with the composition of each Protection and Moderate strategy pie chart with the composition of each Protection and Moderate strategy pie chart with the composition of the Aggressive Stocks strategy pie chart with the composition of the Aggressive Stocks strategy

1, 2, 3 and that’s it!

Preparing for retirement has never been this easy

What do you need?
What do you need?
To be over 18 years old
To be over 18 years old
To have a tax address in Portugal
To have a tax address in Portugal
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you

What do you need?
What do you need?
To be over 18 years old
To be over 18 years old
To have a tax address in Portugal
To have a tax address in Portugal
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you

1, 2, 3 and that’s it!

Preparing for retirement has never been this easy

Log in
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and go to For you > Invest
and go to For you > Invest
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Select the option Retirement
Select the option Retirement
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Calculate and subscribe
Calculate and subscribe
after reading and accepting the legal documents
after reading and accepting the legal documents
What do you need?
What do you need?
To be over 18 years old
To be over 18 years old
To have a tax address in Portugal
To have a tax address in Portugal
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
CP Simulador
your retirement income considering your salary, savings, and goals
your retirement income considering your salary, savings, and goals
Doc Manual
Log in
Log in
and fill in your personal details to continue the subscription
and fill in your personal details to continue the subscription
CH Doc Envio
after reading and accepting the legal documents
after reading and accepting the legal documents
What do you need?
What do you need?
To be over 18 years old
To be over 18 years old
To have a tax address in Portugal
To have a tax address in Portugal
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you

Fees and charges

Now on to the math

These are the fees
Change of strategy fee
Transfer fee
Policy cost (upon subscription)
Financial management fee (max)

The financial management fee is applied to the fund’s net global daily value and is charged monthly on the month after the one to which it corresponds. The percentages above represent the maximum financial management fee per strategy charged to the fund.
This is the early redemption fee
1st year
2nd and 3rd years
From the 4th year

Applicable to the amount of the Account Units reimbursed, when the redemption is not made according to the conditions foreseen in Decree-Law 158/2002 (4) (1 to 4), dated July 2nd. Charged to the insured person. The partial withdrawal and the remaining account units cannot be less than €250.00.
And these are the deliveries
Appart Add O
Single deliveries 500.00
Appart O
Regular monthly deliveries 30.00
Appart Withdrawn O
Regular quarterly deliveries 90.00
Bag Arrow Right Up O
Regular deliveries every 6 months 180.00
Bag Euro O
Regular annual deliveries 360.00
Bag More O
One-off deliveries 30.00

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Screen of the Millennium app in the investment area Screen of the Millennium app in the investment area
Screen of the Millennium app in the investment area

Legal documents and other information

General documents
Doc O Grey Doc O

Information sheet

Doc O Grey Doc O

General Conditions

Key Investor Information Document
Doc O Grey Doc O

Key Investor Information Document Aggressive Strategy - Stocks

Doc O Grey Doc O

Key Investor Information Document Balanced Strategy

Doc O Grey Doc O

Key Investor Information Document Protection Strategy

Information on costs and charges
Doc O Grey Doc O

Information on Costs and Charges Aggressive Strategy - Stocks

Doc O Grey Doc O

Information on Costs and Charges Balanced Strategy

Doc O Grey Doc O

Information on Costs and Charges Protection Strategy

In case of death of the insured person while the contract is in force, the company Ocidental Vida will pay (within a maximum of 20 business days counting from the reception of the documents necessary for that purpose) the amount of the correspondent Account Units, estimated in accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of the General Conditions of the policy.
While the contract is in effect, extraordinary premium deliveries shall be permitted and the insurance company reserves the right to, at any moment, suspend the acceptance of new extraordinary premiums.
The premiums and the legal charges are due in advance.
Change of the Account Units value
The delay in the payment of the premium, the partial redemptions or changes to the charges to be paid by the policyholder, if permitted by law, will automatically originate a change in the value of the Account Units.
In life: the insured person.
In case of death: without prejudice to the observation of the law, the insured person shall choose its beneficiaries.
If no beneficiaries are named and if the author of the succession is the insured person, the surviving spouse or other legal heirs, regardless of the couple's marital regime, may request the full return of the savings plan, without prejudice to the observation of the law. When the author of the succession is the spouse of the insured person and, due to the couple's property regime, the PPR savings are considered common property, the surviving spouse or the other heirs may demand the reimbursement of the part owned by the deceased.
Reimbursement and options
Repayment in accordance with the law: when the Customer complies with the conditions legally foreseen for the redemption of a PPR policy, 3 redemption options emerge:
  • Retirement Option: the Customer may choose the full reimbursement of the policy (the contract ends);
  • Programmed Payment Option: the Customer may choose to convert the accumulated capital into partial, programmed/automatic reimbursements paid every month/quarter/six months, with an accumulation effect. This partial automatic redemptions mechanism shall last while there are Accounts Units allocated to the policy and, at the most, until the maturity date. These partial and automatic reimbursements will bear a constant value, to be defined by the Customer, with a minimum of 250,00 €;
  • Partial Reimbursement: the Customer may request the partial redemption, under the terms permitted by law.
Reimbursement made outside the conditions foreseen by law, under the circumstances foreseen in the Tax Benefits Statute:
  • Full Reimbursement: the Customer may choose the full reimbursement of the policy (the contract ends);
  • Partial Reimbursement: the partial reimbursement of the Account Units is subject to the following conditions:
    • The minimum amount for each partial reimbursement is €250.00;
    • After the partial reimbursement, the value of the remaining Account Units cannot be less than €250.00.
Partial Reimbursement Mechanism
"Life Cycle” rationale: if the partial reimbursement occurs, the amount requested will be proportionally withdrawn from each one of the Investment Strategies.
“Free Choice” rationale: if the partial reimbursement occurs, the amount requested will, by default, be withdrawn from each one of the Investment Strategies in a proportional manner. However, the Customer will have the possibility of choosing from which Investment Strategy he/she intends to withdraw the partial reimbursement.
Reimbursement conditions
The amounts insured may be reimbursed in case of:
  1. retirement due to old age of the insured person;
  2. long term unemployment of the insured person or of any member of his/her household;
  3. permanent disability for work of the of the insured person or of any member of his/her household, regardless of the cause;
  4. serious illness of the insured person or of any member of his/her household;
  5. the insured person turning 60 years old;
  6. payment of credits guaranteed by mortgage on the real estate property used as the insured person's own and permanent home.
Notwithstanding the above, when, by virtue of the couple's property system, the PPR is a common asset, for the reimbursement under paragraphs a) and e), the personal situation of any of the spouses will be relevant, regardless of the Insured Person.
The reimbursement requested under sub-paragraphs a), e) and f) can only be made for savings delivered at least five years prior, counting from the respective delivery dates.
Yet, five years after the date of the first savings amount delivered, the Insured Person may demand the reimbursement of the amount of the policy under sub-paragraphs a), e) and f) if the amount saved during the first half of the duration of the policy corresponds to at least 35% of the total amount saved.
Except for the situations listed above, the reimbursement may be requested at any moment under the terms of the policy and subject to the consequences set forth by the applicable Tax Law.
In case of death, the following rules shall apply:
  • When the author of the succession is the insured person, the surviving spouse or other legal heirs, regardless of the couple's marital regime, may request the full return of the savings plan, unless a different solution occurs from the will or from a beneficiary clause in favor of a third party, without prejudice to the observation of the law;
  • When the author of the succession was the spouse of the insured person and, due to the couple's property regime, the PPR savings are considered common property, the surviving spouse or the other heirs may demand the reimbursement of the part owned by the deceased.
The tax law described is the one in effect at the time this document was made and the insurance company shall bear no burden or encumbrance if such law is changed.
20% of the amounts delivered for PPR (retirement savings plan) are eligible for income tax deductions, per taxpayer, with the following limits (depending on the age of the taxpayer, as of 1 January of the year the amount is invested):
  • €400.00 in case of taxpayers aged under 35 (minimum investment of €2,000.00, per taxpayer);
  • €350.00 in case of taxpayers aged between 35 and 50 (minimum investment of €1,750.00 per taxpayer);
  • €300.00 in case of taxpayers aged over 50 (minimum investment of €1,500.00 per taxpayer).
The sum of the majority of tax deductions (including tax benefits)¹ may not, however, exceed, per household, the limits set out in the following table:
Taxable Income after applying the divisor of the family quotient (Euros) and Limit (Euros)
Taxable Income after applying the divisor of the family quotient (Euros)
Limit (Euros)²
8,059 Euros or less
No limit
Between 8,059 and 80,000 (inclusively)
Between 2,500 (applicable to lower incomes) and 1,000 (applicable to higher incomes), with the limit being defined using the following formula:
€1,000 + [(€2,500 - €1,000) X (€80,000 - taxable income) / (€80,000 - €8,059)]
Above 80,000

1 - Are not subject to these limits, deductions from tax relating to: (i) to the dependents of the household and to the familiy ascendants who live in the same dwelling as the taxpayer, (ii) general family expenses, (iii) to people with disabilities, (iv) to international double taxation and v) to the Additional to the Municipal Property Tax.
2 - In households with three or more dependents, the limits are increased by 5% for each dependent or civil sponsor who is not a taxpayer of the IRS.
The enjoyment of the benefit is ineffective, and the deducted amounts, increased by 10% for each year or fraction that have elapsed since the exercise of the right to deduction, must be added to the IRS collection of the year in which the payment occurs, if the participants are attributed any income or reimbursement is granted. The exceptions to this limitation to the consolidation of the tax benefit are in cases of death of the subscriber or, in the situations provided for by law, when at least five years have elapsed from the respective delivery.
The amounts saved by the taxpayers after they retire cannot be reported for purposes of tax benefits.
Taxation of the reimbursement
Tax on income
The taxation of the income generated by a PPR depends on the way the reimbursement is made:
  • as capital (even in case of death): taxable income, composed of the difference between the amount reimbursed and the correspondent deliveries, shall be taxed autonomously by withholding at source a rate of 20%, only applicable to two fifths of its value, which corresponds to an effective rate of 8%.
When the reimbursement is made due to a situation not foreseen in article 4 (1 to 4) of Decree-Law 158/2002, of July 2nd, the taxable income is composed of the difference between the amount reimbursed and the correspondent deliveries, being taxed by withholding at source a rate of 21.5%. If the amounts deposited during the 1st half of the duration of the contract represent at least 35% of the total amount invested:
  • and the redemption is made after 8 years of duration of the policy, only two fifths of the income shall be taxed, corresponding to an effective rate of 8.6%;
  • and the reimbursement is made between the 5th and 8th year of the duration of the policy, only four fifths of the income shall be taxed, corresponding to a withholding tax rate of 17.2%.
  • as a regular payment: if the contract establishes the payment of regular and periodical amounts, the tax regime applied will be the one corresponding to Category H of the Income Tax (pensions), including the rules on withholding tax.
If the contract establishes the payment of amounts due to situations not comprised within the ones foreseen in article 4 (1 to 4) of Decree-Law nr. 158/2002 of July 2nd, the reimbursement is taxed in accordance with the rules described in the previous paragraph.
Tax in case of transfer on death
Stamp Duty will not be due in case the amounts invested in retirement savings funds are reimbursed on account of death.
This information does not dispense with the reading of the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.
Does not dispense with the consultation of legally required pre-contractual and contractual information.

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