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Código de Utilizador This code is required to access your account through the website or the Millennium App


I want a savings account...

woman sitting at a café table outside, at night, smiling with a phone in her hand

App deposit

Save on the app with a minimum of €500

Calendar O White Calendar O Grey

Term: 90 or 180 days

Term: 90 or 180 days

Appart O White Appart O Grey

Amount €500 to €500,000

Amount €500 to €500,000

Calendar O White Calendar O Grey

Term: 90 or 180 days

Term: 90 or 180 days

Appart O White Appart O Grey

Amount €500 to €500,000

Amount €500 to €500,000

woman doing yoga on the beach at sunset

Net Millennium Flexível

Flexible savings that increase in value as you increase the rate

Calendar O Grey

Term: 15 to 360 days

Appart O Grey

Amount: €250 to €500,000

man sitting at the desk, with a laptop and a coffee cup

Poupança Ordenado

Save with a 2.15% rate by getting your salary at Millennium

Calendar O Grey

Term: 30 days

Appart O Grey

Minimum amount: €25

couple sitting on coffee table, holding tablet

Poupança Aforro

Save from €25 and top it up whenever you want

Calendar O Grey

Term: 180 days

Loans Rents O Grey

Without mandatory distributions

 young couple lying on the floor, using their phones

Poupança Reforço Frequente

Save from €100 with monthly interest and get the best rate if you subscribe to one of our solutions

Loans Rents O Grey

Top up from €100

Calendar O Grey

Term: 180 days

smiling man with a beard and glasses, sitting at a desk with an open laptop

Poupança Reforço Prestige

Save from €250 and get the best rate with a Prestige solution

Loans Rents O Grey

Top up from €250

Calendar O Grey

Term: 360 days

girl student, walking down the street with a bag over her shoulder

Poupança Let’s GO!

Do you have kids under 17? This savings account is for them, starting at €25

Loans Rents O Grey

Top up from €25

Calendar O Grey

Term: 180 days

Frequently asked questions

Questions? We'll help

You can open your savings in the app or on the website.

In the app go to For you > Save > Savings

On the website, in Savings and Investments > Term Applications > Our solutions > Discover all our savings > Then just choose the one that suits you best.

You can open your savings in the app or on the website.

In the app go to For you > Save > Savings

On the website, in Savings and Investments > Term Applications > Our solutions > Discover all our savings > Then just choose the one that suits you best.

Early withdrawal is possible for all of our savings options, except for the Apprazo deposit. However, please note that all accounts are subject to early withdrawal penalties.

Early withdrawal is possible for all of our savings options, except for the Apprazo deposit. However, please note that all accounts are subject to early withdrawal penalties.

The tax regime associated with savings is 28% (19,6% in the case of deposit income earned by residents of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Autonomous Region of Madeira)

The tax regime associated with savings is 28% (19,6% in the case of deposit income earned by residents of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Autonomous Region of Madeira)

The interest is deposited into the designated current account.

The interest is deposited into the designated current account.

Frequently asked questions

Questions? We'll help

You can open your savings in the app or on the website.

In the app go to For you > Save > Savings

On the website, in Savings and Investments > Term Applications > Our solutions > Discover all our savings > Then just choose the one that suits you best.

You can open your savings in the app or on the website.

In the app go to For you > Save > Savings

On the website, in Savings and Investments > Term Applications > Our solutions > Discover all our savings > Then just choose the one that suits you best.

Early withdrawal is possible for all of our savings options, except for the Apprazo deposit. However, please note that all accounts are subject to early withdrawal penalties.

Early withdrawal is possible for all of our savings options, except for the Apprazo deposit. However, please note that all accounts are subject to early withdrawal penalties.

The tax regime associated with savings is 28% (19,6% in the case of deposit income earned by residents of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Autonomous Region of Madeira)

The tax regime associated with savings is 28% (19,6% in the case of deposit income earned by residents of the Autonomous Region of the Azores and the Autonomous Region of Madeira)

The interest is deposited into the designated current account.

The interest is deposited into the designated current account.

Manage your savings on the app

Explore app
 Mobile phone displaying the menu of the Millennium app  illustrations of functions within the Millennium app
 Mobile phone displaying the menu of the Millennium app

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