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Investment funds

Invest in the app from €250, without subscription costs

Funds are a collection of assets managed by specialists, that invest capital in different markets and financial assets
Funds are a collection of assets managed by specialists, that invest capital in different markets and financial assets
girl looking at her phone and smiling, with elements of the Millennium App

Investment funds

Invest in the app from €250, without subscription costs

Funds are a collection of assets managed by specialists, that invest capital in different markets and financial assets
Funds are a collection of assets managed by specialists, that invest capital in different markets and financial assets
girl looking at her phone and smiling, with elements of the Millennium App
girl looking at her phone and smiling, with elements of the Millennium App


Why invest in funds?

woman smilling and illustration of investment graphics investment funds chips
Invest from €250, in the app or on the website
Subscribe, redeem and top up at any time, with no costs or penalties
Diversify your capital in several assets with a single investment
Managed by experts to maximize your return
You can invest in various assets, sectors, and geographies by selecting funds from over 20 asset management companies that we offer
man smilling and holding phone top performing funds
woman smilling and illustration of investment graphics investment funds chips
Invest from €250, in the app or on the website
Subscribe, redeem and top up at any time, with no costs or penalties
Diversify your capital in several assets with a single investment
man smilling and holding phone top performing funds
Managed by experts to maximize your return
You can invest in various assets, sectors, and geographies by selecting funds from over 20 asset management companies that we offer

Invest in 4 steps!

It’s that easy

What do you need?
What do you need?
To be over 18
To be over 18
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Available O Black
If you ever need it, you can redeem at any time.
If you ever need it, you can redeem at any time.

Invest in 4 steps!

It’s that easy

Check the catalog in the app
Check the catalog in the app
and choose the fund that best suits your goals.
and choose the fund that best suits your goals.
Doc Manual
Find your investor profile
Find your investor profile
with the Investor Questionnaire.
with the Investor Questionnaire.
Answer questionnaire
Calc Reforco
Set how much you want to invest
Set how much you want to invest
If it's an IMGA fund, you can set up a monthly top-up.
If it's an IMGA fund, you can set up a monthly top-up.
Confirmar Notificacao e confirmar app
And confirm
And confirm
after reading the legal documents.
after reading the legal documents.
What do you need?
What do you need?
To be over 18
To be over 18
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Answer the Investor Questionnaire, if you haven't already done so, to find out which products are right for you
Available O Black
If you ever need it, you can redeem at any time.
If you ever need it, you can redeem at any time.

What are the different types of funds?

CC Ciclo
Short term
The short term investment funds invest in high liquidity securities (for example: term deposits).
Ver Mercados
Invest mainly in fixed income securities, namely medium to long term bonds.
Acoes Mkt
Invest mainly in stocks and are more suitable for long term investments and investors willing to support higher risk.
Chart V2
Multi-assets invest in a diversified way in bonds and stocks and set barriers for how these are applied on a portfolio.
Invest Equilibrada
There are two main types of alternative funds. The ones that invest in non traditional securities (such as infrastructures., property and private capital), and the ones that invest in traditional securities (such as short-selling and loans).

Frequently asked questions

Questions? We'll help

Investment funds are independent financial entities with assets owned by multiple individuals or legal entities, referred to as unit-holders. These funds can be categorized as either open or closed. Open funds have a variable number of units, whereas closed funds have a fixed number of units.

Investment funds are independent financial entities with assets owned by multiple individuals or legal entities, referred to as unit-holders. These funds can be categorized as either open or closed. Open funds have a variable number of units, whereas closed funds have a fixed number of units.

The main categories are short-term investment funds, bonds, equities, multi-asset and alternatives. Below, you can have an insight of what each one invests in:
  • Short-term investment funds invest in highly liquid securities (e.g. term deposits).
  • Bonds invest mainly in bonds.
  • Equities invest mainly in equities.
  • Multi-asset invest diversely across bonds and equities and set barriers for the weight of investments in the portfolio. 
  • There are two main types of alternative funds, those investing in non-traditional assets (such as infrastructure, real estate and private equity) and those investing in traditional assets (such as short selling and loans).
The main categories are short-term investment funds, bonds, equities, multi-asset and alternatives. Below, you can have an insight of what each one invests in:
  • Short-term investment funds invest in highly liquid securities (e.g. term deposits).
  • Bonds invest mainly in bonds.
  • Equities invest mainly in equities.
  • Multi-asset invest diversely across bonds and equities and set barriers for the weight of investments in the portfolio. 
  • There are two main types of alternative funds, those investing in non-traditional assets (such as infrastructure, real estate and private equity) and those investing in traditional assets (such as short selling and loans).

Any investment has its associated risks. In the case of funds, you should bear in mind that:

  • They have no capital guarantee, so at the time of redemption you may not be able to recover all the money invested.
  • They are made up of a set of assets, whose market price may increase or decrease. This variation is reflected in the value of the unit, which means that the investor may lose part or even all of the capital invested.

Any investment has its associated risks. In the case of funds, you should bear in mind that:

  • They have no capital guarantee, so at the time of redemption you may not be able to recover all the money invested.
  • They are made up of a set of assets, whose market price may increase or decrease. This variation is reflected in the value of the unit, which means that the investor may lose part or even all of the capital invested.
  • Expert management by a Management Company
  • Low initial investment
  • Risk diversification and mitigation
  • Access to hard-to-reach markets
  • Daily share quotations
  • Expert management by a Management Company
  • Low initial investment
  • Risk diversification and mitigation
  • Access to hard-to-reach markets
  • Daily share quotations

Frequently asked questions

Questions? We'll help

Investment funds are independent financial entities with assets owned by multiple individuals or legal entities, referred to as unit-holders. These funds can be categorized as either open or closed. Open funds have a variable number of units, whereas closed funds have a fixed number of units.

Investment funds are independent financial entities with assets owned by multiple individuals or legal entities, referred to as unit-holders. These funds can be categorized as either open or closed. Open funds have a variable number of units, whereas closed funds have a fixed number of units.

The main categories are short-term investment funds, bonds, equities, multi-asset and alternatives. Below, you can have an insight of what each one invests in:
  • Short-term investment funds invest in highly liquid securities (e.g. term deposits).
  • Bonds invest mainly in bonds.
  • Equities invest mainly in equities.
  • Multi-asset invest diversely across bonds and equities and set barriers for the weight of investments in the portfolio. 
  • There are two main types of alternative funds, those investing in non-traditional assets (such as infrastructure, real estate and private equity) and those investing in traditional assets (such as short selling and loans).
The main categories are short-term investment funds, bonds, equities, multi-asset and alternatives. Below, you can have an insight of what each one invests in:
  • Short-term investment funds invest in highly liquid securities (e.g. term deposits).
  • Bonds invest mainly in bonds.
  • Equities invest mainly in equities.
  • Multi-asset invest diversely across bonds and equities and set barriers for the weight of investments in the portfolio. 
  • There are two main types of alternative funds, those investing in non-traditional assets (such as infrastructure, real estate and private equity) and those investing in traditional assets (such as short selling and loans).

Any investment has its associated risks. In the case of funds, you should bear in mind that:

  • They have no capital guarantee, so at the time of redemption you may not be able to recover all the money invested.
  • They are made up of a set of assets, whose market price may increase or decrease. This variation is reflected in the value of the unit, which means that the investor may lose part or even all of the capital invested.

Any investment has its associated risks. In the case of funds, you should bear in mind that:

  • They have no capital guarantee, so at the time of redemption you may not be able to recover all the money invested.
  • They are made up of a set of assets, whose market price may increase or decrease. This variation is reflected in the value of the unit, which means that the investor may lose part or even all of the capital invested.
  • Expert management by a Management Company
  • Low initial investment
  • Risk diversification and mitigation
  • Access to hard-to-reach markets
  • Daily share quotations
  • Expert management by a Management Company
  • Low initial investment
  • Risk diversification and mitigation
  • Access to hard-to-reach markets
  • Daily share quotations

Articles, tips and more

Everything you need to know to invest in funds

Our experts summary
Our experts summary
How do the main financial markets behave?
How do the main financial markets behave?
Watch full video
4 myths about the investment world
4 myths about the investment world
2 min reading time
2 min reading time
Read article
How to choose investment funds and stocks?
How to choose investment funds and stocks?
2 min reading time
2 min reading time
Read article
What kind of investor are you?
What kind of investor are you?
3 min reading time
3 min reading time
Read article

Investing is easier through the app

Explore app
Screen of the Millennium app in the investment area Screen of the Millennium app in the investment area
Screen of the Millennium app in the investment area

Legal information

Investing in funds does not exempt the reading of the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) , of the Prospectus and of the Specific Distribution Conditions (when applicable), available on this website and at CMVM.

This information does not exempt the reading of the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) , of the Full Prospectus and of the Specific Distribution Conditions (when applicable), that provides the conditions applicable to the subscription and redemption of each fund. It is recommended that you read these documents before making a decision to invest in the fund.

The information provided is merely informative and private, to be used merely as a backup tool, and should not be used to trigger or justify any action or omission, or as grounds for any operation, or replace the investors’ own judgment. Investors are responsible for their acts and omissions.

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