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Frequently asked questions about website account managing
Consult and manage your account
After logging in to, access the "M Area" and under "Customize" select the option "Change mobile phone". To confirm this operation, you need to have a Token.
If you do not have a Token, you can update your mobile phone through:
- An ATM
- The Contact Center, by calling 21 005 24 24 (national landline network);
- Or at a Millennium branch.
Yes. To obtain duplicates of Documents in Digital Format you need to:
- Join the Documents in Digital Format service (.pdf)
- Send a message with the following details:
- For the second copy of the statement: please specify the year, month, and current account number associated with the desired statement.
- For the second copy of transaction details: kindly provide the date, type, amount of the transaction, and the current account number associated with the transaction.
The second digital copy is related to statements issued within the last 12 months. Hence, when making the request, please specify that you want the second copy to be provided in digital format.
On the business day following your request for the second copy, you can access the document by selecting "E-documents > View statements and transaction details." To review it, you'll need to input the issuance date of the duplicate.
Select the option "Area M> Services> Transaction history".
Select the option "Area M> Transaction history".
In the "M Area", select the option "Scheduled events> My scheduled events".
You can see the transactions made with the prepaid card in the Millennium App, website, digital statement or at any ATM.
On the website select Cards > Prepaid cards > My prepaid cards.
Yes, the "Transaction history" option allows you to print all transactions made on the website.
Yes, if it is an individual account. To change the address associated with your account, select the "Account details / Address" option in the "Accounts" menu.
This change is valid only for the mail address, where you receive statements and other communications. The tax address, where tax statements issued by Millennium are sent, will not be affected by this change. If you want to change your tax address, you can do so through the Millennium App.
Changing your address to an address abroad cannot be made through the website. In these cases, you should contact the Contact Center at 21 005 24 24 (national landline network) or 91 827 24 24, 96 599 24 24 or 93 522 24 24 (national mobile network).
Yes, you can change the amount or the date of the standing order by selecting the options "Area M">"Scheduled events > My scheduled events". Then select the standing order and click on "Edit" (blue square with a pencil).
Yes. To download your account statement, choose the option "Accounts > E-documents > View statements and transaction details". Select the box in front of the statement and click on "Download".
Alternatively, you can also export the transactions to an Excel or CSV file by selecting the "Balances and transactions" option under "Accounts" and clicking the "Download" button that appears on the bottom left corner of the screen.
Follow the steps below:
- Select the current account
- Enter your search criteria. If you do not enter any criteria, the search will be carried out for the last 30 days. The documents are available for 6 months. When you select "Document type", the list of documents appears. To open the PDF document, click on the link that appears on the detail of each document.
It is the feature that allows you to view all the transactions carried out through the website. You can print these operations by clicking on "Print".
The "Balances and transactions" feature allows you to view your current account transactions from the date of access to the website, up to a maximum period of 1 year.
Yes, through the option "Area M> Scheduled events> My scheduled events".
Yes, select the option "Cheques> View/Cheque/images" in the "Accounts" menu.
This feature allows you to view current transactions. You can also view transactions from previous months. To do this, enter the period and click on "Search".
Choose the option "Cards - View - Account Statement".
Choose the option "Cards" - "Loyalty Schemes" - "View/exchange points".
Choose option "My cards" to access the details of your credit cards.
On this page, you can view your total credit resources. To check the details, just click on the link on each of the products.
Yes, select the option "Accounts">"Transaction history".
To view your balance and transactions, follow these steps:
- Select the current account you want to check
- Enter the search criteria
- On the page of the balance and transactions, click on the "Descriptions" that are underlined. You can print or save your account transactions.
First, select the securities account you want to check. Once you have selected it, you can see all the details of your portfolio.
Yes, select the option "Payments" > "State" > "Segurança Social payments".
Yes, select the option "M"- Services and then "Transaction history".
Yes, you can print all your transactions using the "Transaction history" option.
Yes, all savings plans are available on the website and in the app.
Whenever you want, you can check or change your direct debit authorizations by selecting the option "Accounts > Direct Debits > View and maintenance".
Through the website you can:
- View debit authorizations
- Set maximum amounts
- Set the debit authorization deadline;
- Change the name of the authorization;
- Deactivate/reactivate the authorization;
- Subscribe notifications;
- Manage entities.