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Frequently asked questions about Savings
How can I open a savings account?
You can open your savings in the app or on the website.
In the app go to For you > Save > Savings
On the website, in Savings and Investments > Term Applications > Our solutions > Discover all our savings > Then just choose the one that suits you best.
Early withdrawal is possible for all of our savings options, except for the Apprazo deposit. However, please note that all accounts are subject to early withdrawal penalties.
The interest is deposited into the designated current account.
The tax regime associated with savings is 28%.
Yes, some of our savings have this possibility, such as Poupança Ordenado, Poupança Reforço Frequente, Poupança Reforço Prestige, and Poupança Aforro
However, you cannot top up the App Deposit, Apprazo Deposit, 3-year term Deposit and Net Millennium Flexível.
The minimum amount to open one of our savings accounts is €25 and the maximum amount is €200,000.
Opening a savings account for a minor
While a minor is permitted to possess a linked savings account, the process of opening and overseeing the account can only be carried out by their legal guardian.
Once you have established the current account for the minor, you can proceed to open a savings account either through the Millennium App or by visiting a branch.